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23rd November 2015

Open Trials 2016 (17+)

Saturday 9th January 2016 @ Emirates Durham ICG

Durham CCC is holding open trials for the 17 and over age range (players from Durham Cricket Board’s pathway system need not apply).  All trialists must have a British or relevant passport that allows them to qualify as a non-overseas player in English First Class cricket (see ECB website for more details). Trials will take place in the Indoor Cricket School at Chester-le-Street’s Riverside Leisure Complex.  Players are expected to bring indoor footwear and relevant cricket equipment.

1st Session: 10am – 12 noon (registration 9.30am)

2nd session: 1pm – 3pm (registration 12.30pm)

To register your place please email or telephone Ellen Johnson on 0191 3872840 or email

We will try to accommodate requests for a session preference, however, sessions will be allocated on a first come first served basis.